Not the Western Front Conference

Not the Western Front Conference

The “Not the Western Front Conference” will take place on Saturday 2nd November 2024 at The Cluntergate Centre, Cluntergate, Horbury, Wakefield, WF4 5DA Lectures start at 10am The cost for the day is £29 including lunch Booking is via Trybooking

The 14th King Georges’s Own Sikhs

The 14th King Georges’s Own Sikhs

14th Ferozepore Sikhs was raised in 1846 after First Anglo-Sikh War from former soldiers of Sikh army. The Regiment originally recruited local Sikhs and Punjabi Muslims but in 1866, Punjabi Muslims were phased out and the regiment became a single

Operations Of The Mounted Troops Of The Egyptian Expeditionary Force

Operations Of The Mounted Troops Of The Egyptian Expeditionary Force

The E.E.F. came into being in March 1916 from the remnants of the British troops from Gallipoli and the troops already in Egypt although it lost ten of its fourteen infantry divisions to other theatres in quick order. The multinational

A Record of the 58th Rifles F.F. In the Great War

A Record of the 58th Rifles F.F. In the Great War

Vaughns Rifles was originally raised in 1849 as the 5th Regiment of Punjab Infantry. Lord Kitchener’s Indian Army reforms of 1903 meant the regiment’s designation was changed to 58th Vaughan’s Rifles (Frontier Force). During the First World War, the regiment

The Life of Sir Stanley Maude Lieutenant General K.C.B, C.M.G., D.S.O.

The Life of Sir Stanley Maude Lieutenant General K.C.B, C.M.G., D.S.O.

By Major General Sir C. E. Callwell. K.C.B. Lieutenant general Maude is perhaps unfortunately mostly remembered for his part in the evacuation of Gallipoli. During the evacuation Maude worked hard to ensure that Headquarters Kit was evacuated, whether by this

Peninsula Press

Peninsula Press

The Peninsula Press was a news sheet produced throughout the campaign from May 1915 to Jan 1916 initially it was produced daily but as the campaign continued it reduced in frequency to weekly. It was apart from the first issue